
Jewish Home Recognized for Hiring and Promoting Individuals with Disabilities

(October 21, 2022—ROCHESTER, NY)—Jewish Home was honored by the Rochester Area Employment Network (RAEN) at the National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM) recognition event held at Kodak Center for Performing Arts on October 20. NDEAM is held each October to commemorate the various contributions of people with disabilities to America’s workforce and economy. They were nominated by Heritage Christian Services for their collaborative Project SEARCH® program.

This particular award recognizes Jewish Home’s efforts in hiring and promoting individuals with disabilities. “We try to make a difference by bringing people with intellectual and developmental disabilities onto our campus – we train them and help them learn valuable skills to obtain a job, and hopefully add purpose and meaning to their lives,” says Michael King, President and CEO. He continues, “Over the past four years, Jewish Home has created five new jobs designed to meet the specific abilities of individuals based on the person’s unique strengths, needs, and interests, as well as our business needs.”

Project SEARCH® is a nationally-recognized, 10-month pre-employment program hosted onsite at Jewish Home, and is designed to support total workplace immersion – facilitating a seamless combination of curriculum-based instruction, career explorations, skills assessment, and hands-on training through three different internship rotations. The program was both funded and brought to the Rochester area by the B. Thomas Golisano Foundation.


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